Soy Santiago Villegas-Ceballos, consultor líder en Medejean: Inteligencia Cultural. Mi enfoque único combina la alfabetización en IA y el Design Thinking para transformar bibliotecas e instituciones culturales.

Educación en IA

2010 - Presente

Bibliotecas Iberoamericanas

2015 - Presente

woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
1 U.S.A dollar banknotes
1 U.S.A dollar banknotes
Acceso Equitativo

2018 - Presente


Biblioteca Digital

Desarrollo de plataforma en línea

para acceso a libros digitales

IA en Bibliotecas
woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue

Implementación de IA

a red tower sitting on top of a stone wall
a red tower sitting on top of a stone wall
Bibliotecas Públicas

Desarrollo de programas

Inteligencia Artificial

Aplicación de IA en

woman in red and gold dress statue
woman in red and gold dress statue
a large building with a curved walkway in front of it
a large building with a curved walkway in front of it
Bibliotecas Universitarias

Desarrollo de proyectos de IA

a view of a city from a high point of view
a view of a city from a high point of view